American Experience

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55 min
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Season 14, Episode 4

Woodrow Wilson (1): A Passionate Man

A two-part profile of Woodrow Wilson in which news clips, atmospheric re-creations and readings (Rene Auberjonois and Blair Brown provide the voices of Wilson and his first wife, Ellen) supplement interviews with historians. Part 1 takes Wilson (1856-1924) from his Georgia childhood to the outbreak of World War I -- just as Ellen dies. "He's got to deal with the breakdown in the world," historian John Milton Cooper says. "And he's got to deal with the breakdown in his personal life."
Quest roles:
Linda Hunt(Narrator (voice)), Blair Brown(Narrator (voice)), Rene Auberjonois(Woodrow Wilson (voice))
Release date:
6 January 2002, 00:00
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American Experience