As the World Turns

8.4 / 10
43 min
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Season 47, Episode 127

Ep. #11851

Isaac informs Jessica that Marshall set up the robbery at Java. Jessica insists that she will not be involved in any mudslinging, but privately calls Marshall to meet. Isaac and Bonnie make up and admit that they are baffled by why Jessica doesnt want to nail Marshall for his behavior. Carly calls Craig and asks him to call her back and play along with whatever she says. When Jack arrives, Carly tries to impress upon him that her dealings with Craig are just business. Craig phones Carly on cue and Carly launches into a tirade about drawing the line between business and personal life. Jack finally concedes to allowing her to work with Craig, but asks her to leave him without a note if she and Craig cross the line. Abigail confides in Molly that she suspects that Aaron may have started the fire to have a chance to be a hero. Molly advises Abigail not to act until she learns more. She agrees, but when she heads over to the barn, she overhears the fire marshal say how suspicious the fire was. At the hospital, Holden defends Aaron to Craig and proclaims that Aaron is a hero. Craig admits that he jumped to conclusions about what happened. Hal overhears their fight and tries to reason with Craig that he is behaving the same way that Hal reacted towards Bryant. He advises Craig to try to get past his feelings toward Aaron. Lucy begs Craig to make a plea to Holden for Aaron to stay in Oakdale or she will return to Montega.
Quest roles:
No known guest appearances
Release date:
30 September 2002, 14:00
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As the World Turns