Celebrity Treasure Island is an Australian game show which aired on TV2 (NZ). The series premiered on August 18, 2019.
Series 1 (2001) was hosted by Pieta Keating for the second consecutive season. This was the first Celebrity season and the third season altogether. Since celebrities were competing, the money they won went to a charity of their choosing. The contestants were split into two teams - North Team, which included Stacey Daniels, Andy Dye, Sally Ridge, Anthony Ray, Erika Takacs, Danny Morrison and Nicky Sunderland; and the South team, which included Cocksy, Frank Bunce, Katrina Hobbs, Nicky Watson, Jayne Kiely, Dominic Bowden and Trent Bray. TV handyman John "Cocksy" Cochs won, with television presenter Stacey Daniels coming in second.