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House of the Dragon - Season 2 (blu-ray)
Karzal gives House of the Dragon - Season 2 (blu-ray) a 8.

House of the Dragon - Season 2 (blu-ray)

Perfect blu-ray release of the second season of House of the Dragon.
The second season of the fantasy series House of the Dragon was released on Blu-ray in November 2024. The series, as a predecessor to Game of Thrones, is now on its third season on HBO Max. We will have to wait a while for that, because the recordings of the third season start in March 2025. Both series are based on the books by George R.R. Martin.

Of course there are dragons, battles between different armies and threats from various angles.

The series mainly revolves around House Targaryen and the power struggle within and outside this family 200 years before the events of Game of Thrones. Of course there are dragons, battles between different armies and threats from various angles. After the coronation of King Aegon II and the death of Lucerys, the son of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen (Milly Alcock), there is a division in House Targaryen and a civil war threatens.

House of the Dragon

The first season had ten episodes, this second season has eight episodes of around 64 minutes each. This seems to leave less room for the story, but I find this season slower than the first. There is more talking and less action. However, the characters remain interesting, with the role of Daemon Targaryen (Matt Smith) again being important.

The Blu-ray from HBO and Warner Bros. is a strong, extensive edition that is mentioned very modestly on the cover. As a bonus, it briefly mentions that there is an eight-part featurette The House That Dragons Built to watch - and much more. However, all the extras together amount to more than four hours of viewing pleasure. The extras are spread over the four discs and are included on the inside of the cover, including the titles of the episodes.

House of the Dragon

The eight-part featurette (one for each episode) is a joy to watch. Each part contains interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, episode analyses and cast reflections. These eight parts vary in length from 20 to 37 minutes each. In addition to these short documentaries, there is a multitude of short films, of which Family Tree (six minutes) and Divided Kingdoms (nine minutes) are the longest. Sometimes they are films about the characters or the locations, each one a nice addition.

The image quality is top notch and because there are two episodes on each disc, the extras are also in high resolution. Especially in dark scenes it is noticeable that the images are razor-sharp and many details are perfectly visible. The same applies to the (English) sound, in Dolby Atmos TrueHD, which is also perfect. There is also audio in Dolby Digital 5.1 in German, French, Italian and Spanish. Subtitles are available in Dutch, French and Spanish and for the deaf and hard of hearing in English, German and Italian. The conclusion is that this Blu-ray release is highly recommended, a perfect release of a solid second season.
Video on youtube

About the writer, Karzal

Mike (1995) has been a member of MySeries since 2016 and is mainly active on the English version of the site. Since 2018, he has been actively translating news articles, columns, reviews and basically everything that ends up on the Dutch site. The original articles, columns and reviews were actually written by others. During the week Mike can be found at IKEA, where he is a national systems specialist and occasionally also in the classroom to teach an English lesson. In addition, Mike logically enjoys watching series and has actually been spoon-fed this from an early age. The genre doesn't matter, there is a place for everything in the otherwise busy life.
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