Intruders is an American science-fiction thriller which is aired on BBC America. The series premiered on August 23, 2014.
A contemporary, chilling, paranormal tale set in the moody Pacific Northwest, the series spins a fascinating and complex web of drama. As strange, apparently unrelated events start happening, multiple story-lines – a missing wife, an assassin covering his crimes, a child on the run – begin to intertwine to reveal a conspiracy that will forever change our understanding of human nature.
Intruders is an American science-fiction thriller which is aired on BBC America. The series premiered on August 23, 2014.
A contemporary, chilling, paranormal tale set in the moody Pacific Northwest, the series spins a fascinating and complex web of drama. As strange, apparently unrelated events start happening, multiple story-lines – a missing wife, an assassin covering his crimes, a child on the run – begin to intertwine to reveal a conspiracy that will forever change our understanding of human nature.
I didn't find Episode 1 to say wow either, but I have persisted and I have to say it's a series where I almost got my nose glued to the screen. After every episode I watch I want to see the next one. Great acting by the little Millie Brown. We will hear a lot more later I think.
The first episode was good, but there were still a few things wrong with it. Especially the lack of convergence of the different storylines is a big minus. However, I am confident that the series will get better.