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Found! End date for Lost Girl

Lost Girl’, the crime-fantasy series of the Canadian Showcase, will have an epic last season. That is what Showcase announced yesterday. The upcoming fifth season of sixteen episodes, to air on December 7th, will also be the last. Star Anna Silk has announced the news for all her fans through Twitter and YouTube.

Silk stated to Entertainment Weekly: “Honestly, I thought we might get one more, but I knew that this could be the last season… It’s time, in a way. In terms of the story, I think we could have done another. But I’m happy that we’re saying goodbye in a particularly strong season, and I’m pleased that we’re gonna go out with a bang.”

SyFy has yet to announce whether they will air the fifth season and when. But according to some news articles it will be in 2015.

Do you think it is a pity that ‘Lost Girl’ ends with the fifth season, or is it a good thing?

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Lost Girl