Lucifer is an American fantasy-crime series with a touch of dramedy which is aired on Netflix (previously FOX (US). The series premiered on 25 January 2016
LUCIFER stars Tom Ellis as the charming, charismatic and handsome-as-hell original fallen angel, who, bored and unhappy in Hell, takes refuge in Los Angeles, where he uses his gift of persuasion to punish bad guys. But the longer he's away from the underworld, the greater the threat that the worst of humanity could escape.
Lucifer is an American fantasy-crime series with a touch of dramedy which is aired on Netflix (previously FOX (US). The series premiered on 25 January 2016
LUCIFER stars Tom Ellis as the charming, charismatic and handsome-as-hell original fallen angel, who, bored and unhappy in Hell, takes refuge in Los Angeles, where he uses his gift of persuasion to punish bad guys. But the longer he's away from the underworld, the greater the threat that the worst of humanity could escape.
4x won prizes at the MySeries of the Year election
And when I say that it is a fun series, I mean that it is my favorite series! I love it so much. The acting of Tom Ellis really attracts you, I think and the band of him and detective .. absolutely great! Am so glad season 2 is coming.