Myles Bullock, known for the Starz crime series BMF, has landed a role in Peacock's true crime series Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist. Created and written by Shaye Ogbonna, based on the podcast of the same name from iHeartPodcasts, Doghouse Pictures and Will Packer Media, Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist tells the infamous story of how an armed robbery on the night of Ali's (Dexter Darden) historic comeback fight in 1970 not only changed the life of one man, but the fate of an entire city.
Bullock (pictured) joins an ensemble that includes Kevin Hart (True Story), Samuel L. Jackson (The Last Days of Ptolemy Gray), Terrence Howard (Empire), Taraji P. Henson (Empire) and Darden (Saved By the Bell (2020). Details about his role are not yet known.
The actor is best known for his roles in Starz's crime drama BMF and 20th Century Studios' remake White Men Can't Jump for Hulu. Bullock also previously appeared in FX's Dave (2020), Marvel's Runaways for Hulu, Criminal Minds and S.W.A.T. (2017), both on CBS.
Ogbonna and Jason Horwitch serve as showrunners, Craig Brewer (Empire) directs the first two episodes and serves as executive producer alongside Hart, Bryan Smiley and Mike Stein for Hart's Hartbeat, Will Packer and Sabrina Wind for Will Packer Media, Conal Byrne, Will Pearson and Carrie Lieberman for iHeartPodcasts, Jeff Keating and Lars Jacobson.
Tiffany Brown of Hartbeat and Kenny Burns of Studio 43 are co-executive producers. Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group, is the studio.
10 February 2024, 16:02 by Karzal