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One Hundred Years of Solitude - Season 1
Karzal gives One Hundred Years of Solitude - Season 1 a 8.

One Hundred Years of Solitude - Season 1

One Hundred Years Of Solitude is a bit strange but very good.
Based on the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude is a visual fairy tale in which supernatural events alternate with everyday events with equal ease.

The estate of Márquez has forced a number of things to happen in order for this Netflix series to (hopefully) meet all the expectations of its original creator. The result is a Spanish-spoken series shot in Colombia. This preserves the authenticity. The world looks as Márquez would have intended.

A change in approach is also to be reported. The television series tells the story chronologically, while the book inimitably plays with the different times in which it is set. It makes sense that, given the already unusual story, a slightly easier to follow story was chosen.

One Hundred Years Of Solitude is a visual fairy tale in which supernatural events alternate with everyday events just as easily.

José Arcadio and Úrsula (both played by different actors as they get older) are cousins ​​but clearly in love. Nothing can stop them. Not even a dead person killed by José Arcadio and an incantation by his mother-in-law. However, this does make for a complex and partly fearful life. Especially because Úrsula is sensitive to this superstition. In order to get the best out of life and leave the old demons behind, the duo and a number of friends leave their village. On their way to a new future.

One Hundred Years of Solitude
© Netflix

The journey, but especially the building of a new community, provides interesting moments. Where life is initially hard but in harmony, more and more cracks appear within society as the outside world approaches. The shielded community has built up its own rules over the years. However, this is not accepted by the rulers of the country. After a remarkable illness, the arrival of a fairground company and the approaching 'civilization', the once peaceful place becomes a volcano that is about to erupt.

One Hundred Years Of Solitude is a remarkable story. The inimitable is artfully made followable. This applies not only to the story but also to the unexpected and supernatural events. Everyone in the series finds everything that happens completely normal. As a result, at a certain point you as a viewer are just as convinced that it is normal for abnormal things to happen.

The inimitable is artfully made followable.

The only criticism is that sometimes there are very dark scenes. Even adjusting the television image does not help. It should not spoil the fun of the entire series. The images are sharp and sometimes shot in a special way. As it should be with this remarkable story.

Unfortunately, it was decided to cut this season in two. Hopefully the last eight episodes will follow soon. These eight special episodes ask for more.
Video on youtube

About the writer, Karzal

Mike (1995) has been a member of MySeries since 2016 and is mainly active on the English version of the site. Since 2018, he has been actively translating news articles, columns, reviews and basically everything that ends up on the Dutch site. The original articles, columns and reviews were actually written by others. During the week Mike can be found at IKEA, where he is a national systems specialist and occasionally also in the classroom to teach an English lesson. In addition, Mike logically enjoys watching series and has actually been spoon-fed this from an early age. The genre doesn't matter, there is a place for everything in the otherwise busy life.
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