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Oogappels - Season 6
Karzal gives Oogappels - Season 6 a 6.5.

Oogappels - Season 6

The first episode of this season attracted around two million Dutch viewers. However, some viewers were disappointed.
To my surprise, no review had ever been written about this series. In short, the series is about the lives of four different families in a medium-sized Dutch city. The series focuses on the challenges of raising children in modern society. Every family has its own unique problems, ranging from adolescent problems to relationship tensions and societal pressures.
The series manages to portray the recognizable situations and everyday problems of family life in a striking and often humorous way.

“Little children, little worries. Big kids, big worries.” That's what my mother always says. Actually, she can also participate in Oogappels. The episode always starts with parental advice from one of the main characters' parents.
And they have grown up in the six seasons of Eyeballs. The first season aired in 2019. All four families have undergone development. And actually the problems are getting bigger and bigger.

In October 2023, Oogappels won the Golden Televizier ring; the Dutch television prize of the year. This was after a very good season. According to many MySeries viewers, even the best season with a rating of 8.8. One of the most moving moments in season 5 is the scene in which Grandpa Lodewijk dies peacefully, while Hansje and Erik watch by his bedside. The fans were curious how the storylines would continue. The regular actors will also play again in season 6 and the teenage children have now almost all moved out.

But why a low rating for season 6?

Season 6 scores a 5.2 for this season so far. The acting itself is fine. The teenagers from the past are now young adults and are doing even better than in the first seasons. But after the high of last season, this season may be a little less emotional. And viewers may start to get annoyed by sometimes too many socially responsible items in the series. From 2020 there is also a podcast called Echte Oogappels.

I sometimes thought it was too over the top. For example, when Merel starts talking about a population survey during a walk with a friend and later in the series ... (minor spoiler). Marcel's problems even last the entire season.

Despite the mixed reactions to the sixth season, Oogappels remains a series that captivates many viewers with its recognizable and often moving stories. The development of the characters and the realistic portrayal of family dynamics make it worth following.

With the prospect of season 7 being the last, fans can prepare for a dignified farewell to this beloved series. Hopefully the series will once again live up to the high expectations in the final season and provide a satisfying ending to the stories of the four families.
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About the writer, Karzal

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