Peaky Blinders is a British historical drama series on BBC One (previously BBC Two). The series premiered September 12th 2013.
Peaky Blinders is a British gangster saga set in 1919 post-war Birmingham. Cillian Murphy is Thomas Shelby, leader of the most feared and powerful local gang, the Peaky Blinders. Named for their practise of sewing razor blades into the peaks of their caps, they make money from illegal betting, protection and the black market. But when a crate of guns goes missing from an arms factory, their battle-hardened leader recognises an opportunity to move up in the world.
Peaky Blinders is a British historical drama series on BBC One (previously BBC Two). The series premiered September 12th 2013.
Peaky Blinders is a British gangster saga set in 1919 post-war Birmingham. Cillian Murphy is Thomas Shelby, leader of the most feared and powerful local gang, the Peaky Blinders. Named for their practise of sewing razor blades into the peaks of their caps, they make money from illegal betting, protection and the black market. But when a crate of guns goes missing from an arms factory, their battle-hardened leader recognises an opportunity to move up in the world.
Gee, I'm the first? Well, here it comes : Great! Super acting, beautiful shots, good atmosphere...I love it! If you like Boardwalk Empire, this one is definitely recommended!