Red vs. Blue

8.6 / 10
10 min
Comedy, Animation
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Season 3, Episode 4

You're The Bomb, Yo

Simmons reprograms a teleporter and advises Donut on how to reprogram the Reds' teleporter in Blood Gulch. On Sidewinder, Wyoming kills all of the Reds and tells Church and Grif that he is leaving them to starve to death. Meanwhile, everyone else emerges from the teleporter on Sidewinder, Tucker covered with "black stuff" (which luckily prevents Wyoming from recognizing and shooting him). While Donut and Caboose clean off Tucker's armor, the jail cell holding Church and Grif mysteriously opens. Wyoming spots Tucker from afar and aims at him; Tex ambushes him, but O'Malley, Wyoming's employer, ambushes her.
Quest roles:
No known guest appearances
Release date:
9 November 2004, 17:00
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Red vs. Blue