With an abundance of extremely colorful characters, experimenting with different filming methods and using just the right music, this latest from Hulu really feels like an almost Tarantino-like revenge fantasy at times. But with a title like Reprisal - retaliation - that could hardly be otherwise. Okay, it may be a bit lacking in the vile kind of humor we know from Tarantino's films and compared to Pulp Fiction and Inglourious Bastards, the violence may not be so over the top that it almost becomes absurd, but still… Reprisal felt more than once for me as a sort of serial version of Kill Bill. Although this time not Uma Thurman, but the equally deadly Abigail Spencer - known from Rectify, True Detective and Suits - was on the warpath. Because of the sometimes slow pace, this may not necessarily be a real binger, but spread over a week or two you will have a very good time here. Of course, nothing can match an original, unadulterated Tarantino, but as long as mister ignores 'one-movie-in-a-so-many-years-is-more-than-enough-to-pay-the-bill' television, I keep going very well on series like Reprisal.
Great first season. Hopefully there will be a second season. Many things were closed, but a few things were also left open for that 2nd season (hopefully).