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Premiere date, renewal and teasers for Paramount+ Star Trek series

Paramount+ has shared new Star Trek teasers, a premiere date and they've renewed a series. Next to that, History Channel released some news regarding a Star Trek documentary.

Even though the second season of Star Trek: Lower Decks hasn't even premiered yet, Paramount+ has decided to renew the animated series with its third season already. This was revealed alongside the premiere date of the second season. This one will be made available at Paramount+ on the 12th of August.

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Next to that, Paramount+ showed the first teaser for the fourth season of Star Trek: Discovery during the digital First Contact day. Down below, you can watch the teaser. Supposedly, the fourth season will premiere late this year. A specific date is not yet known.

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Paramount+ didn't stop there. They also showed the first teaser for the second season of Star Trek: Picard. It appears as if a well-known old character will return. The character Q, who is portrayed by John de Lancie (Breaking Bad). Next year, the second season will premiere. A specific date wasn't revealed here either.

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Next to Paramount+ Star Trek news, History Channel also released something about a Star Trek series. The network is working on an eight-part documentary about the Star Trek world, which will be called The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek. The documentary comes from The Nacelle Company and honours the 55-year anniversary of Star Trek.
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Star Trek: Lower Decks