The Pioneer Woman

25 min
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Season 4, Episode 2

Christmas Is Coming

Everyone's invited to the ranch for three fabulous seasonal snapshots as the Drummonds count down to Christmas. Ree's whipping up cozy and casual Rigatoni and Meatballs to eat while they trim the tree, then delicious munchies $#151; her mom's Holiday Bacon Appetizers — so she's stocked up for whoever drops by the ranch over the festive season. Then it's a magical Christmas Eve and time to bake Santa's treats. He's asked for chocolate this year when he comes down the chimney, so he's getting incredible Chocolate Mint Brownie Bites. Christmas is coming on the ranch and everyone's in the festive spirit.
Quest roles:
No known guest appearances
Release date:
8 December 2012, 00:00
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The Pioneer Woman