The Flash (2014)

8,0 / 10
43 min
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Season 2, Episode 20


Zoom arrives back on Earth-1 intent on taking over Central City. Barry and Wells come up with a plan to stop Zoom once and for all but it’s extremely dangerous. Unsure if he should take the risk, Barry reaches out to both fathers for advice. Henry is adamantly opposed to Barry risking his life again but Joe thinks he can handle it which puts the two men at odds with each other. Meanwhile, Cisco is shocked when he vibes the Earth-2 villain Rupture, who happens to be his brother Dante’s doppelganger. Rupture came to this Earth seeking justice for Reverb’s death. Iris decides she’s finally ready to open up to Barry about her feelings for him.
Quest roles:
Keiynan Lonsdale(Wally West / Kid Flash), John Wesley Shipp(Barry Allen / The Flash (Earth 90)), Patrick Sabongui(David Singh), Fraser Aitcheson(Prison Gang-Goon #1), Nicholas Gonzalez(Dante Ramon), Chris Webb(David Hersh), Teddy Sears(Hunter Zolomon / Zoom), Tony Todd(Zoom (voice)), Violett Beane(Jesse Wells / Jesse Quick), Sonia Beeksma(KPJT Reporter)
Release date:
3 May 2016, 20:00
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The Flash (2014)