Une amie dévouée is inspired by true events. In this psychological thriller we follow Christelle 'Chris' Blandin, a Parisian under the spell of rock music. After the horrifying terrorist attacks of November 13, 2015, she clings to a community of victims and relatives. Claiming that her best friend Vincent was one of dozens of seriously injured people at the Bataclan theater, Chris becomes indispensable to the group and finds her way to a prominent role in the survivors' association. Although her dedication seems unrelenting, contradictions begin to appear in her story – raising serious doubts for the real victims of the tragedy. The four-part miniseries, Une Amie Dévouée, provides food for thought and questions what reality is… in the web of lies that a woman leaves behind.
The cast of this psychological thriller consists of Laure Calamy (Dix pour cent) Arieh Worthalter (Le procès Goldman), Annabelle Lengronne (Un Petit Frère), Alexis Manenti (Les Misérables), Ava Baya and Anne Benoît.
Une amie dévouée is directed by Just Philippot (La Nuée, Acide), written by Fanny Burdino, Jean-Baptiste Delafon, Samuel Doux and Alexandre Kauffmann, based on the book La Mythomane du Bataclan (Éditions Goutte d'Or) by Alexandre Kauffmann, produced by Studiofact Stories (Roxane Rouas-Rafowicz, Jacques Aragones, Ivan Sadik, Basile Lemaire) with June Films (Julie Billy, Naomi Denamur).