Wicked Tuna

8,0 / 10
60 min
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Season 4, Episode 11

Three's a Charm

It's week 11 of the North Atlantic bluefin tuna season, and bad luck, bait problems and big egos plague the Gloucester fleet. With only five weeks of fishing left before the season closes, hardworking Captain Dave Marciano of Hard Merchandise has defied popular belief by rising to the top of the leaderboard for the first time this season. Last year's champion, Captain Dave Carraro of FV-Tuna.com, is determined to regain the top spot, but an epic week of catching by another boat may threaten that goal. Meanwhile, Captain Tyler McLaughlin of Pin Wheel has a lot of work to do to mend his relationship with his one and only crewmember, Travis Brown, after shoving him to the deck the week before.
Quest roles:
No known guest appearances
Release date:
3 May 2015, 21:00
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Wicked Tuna