Wicked Tuna

8,0 / 10
60 min
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Season 4, Episode 12

Triple Crossed

It's week 12 of the North Atlantic bluefin tuna season and, after catching no fish last week, last season's champion Captain Dave Carraro, of FV-Tuna.com, has sought help from his ally, Captain TJ Ott, of Hot Tuna. TJ directed Dave to the spot where he just caught three tuna and now Dave is desperate to capitalize on the information. TJ expects that, in return, Dave will alert him if the fish are still biting in his hot spot, but Dave hasn't earned the nickname "Tricky Dave" for nothing. Will Dave put fishing ahead of friendship and fracture ties with an important ally?
Quest roles:
No known guest appearances
Release date:
10 May 2015, 22:00
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Wicked Tuna