Candy is an American crimeseries which aired on UTV. The series premiered on May 9, 2022.
Set in 1980 Texas, Candy (Moss) had it all — a loving husband with a good job, a daughter and son and a nice house in the new suburbs — and killed her friend from church with an ax.
Candy is an American crimeseries which aired on UTV. The series premiered on May 9, 2022.
Set in 1980 Texas, Candy (Moss) had it all — a loving husband with a good job, a daughter and son and a nice house in the new suburbs — and killed her friend from church with an ax.
Typical American, where every inhabitant of the country is a so-called "good Christian" and people always abuse this. It is certainly a nice miniseries and the actors played their roles well, but you quickly see where things are going. Still highly recommended...