Evil is an American supernatural series which aired on CBS. The series premiered on September 26, 2019.
A skeptical female forensic psychologist joins a priest-in-training and a carpenter to investigate and assess the Church’s backlog of supposed miracles, demonic possessions and unexplained phenomena.
Evil is an American supernatural series which aired on CBS. The series premiered on September 26, 2019.
A skeptical female forensic psychologist joins a priest-in-training and a carpenter to investigate and assess the Church’s backlog of supposed miracles, demonic possessions and unexplained phenomena.
I've now come to Episode 8 and I'm starting to have some doubts about whether I want to go even further. I gave a 7 based on the first few episodes but my expectations have not been met. The series hardly develops. The dialogues are sometimes bad and the series is not really scary either. That is actually a shame because it has the potential to become a distinctive series. Katja Herbers plays fine by the way.