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fanart Feed The Beast

Feed The Beast

6.6/ 10
43 min
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4 July 2016, 12:51
Remakes, I don't really like them. Often it just becomes a poor copy of the original. Gracepoint was no shadow of Broadchurch, the American version of The Returned cannot be in the shadow of Les Revenants and her French accent and Red Widow, the remake of our own Penoza, was already off the tube after one season. But there are also exceptions… You will only hear the purists about the British Gallaghers, but William H. Macy shinet as far as I am concerned also as crazy in the Yankee version of Shameless; people are so lyrical about Spacey and his house of cards that they completely ignore the 1990 original and AMC's attempt to re-knit Sarah Lund's jersey with The Killing wasn't that bad either. Of course not as good as the Danish one, but quite okay. The guys at American Movie Classics are not averse to the Americanization of Scandinavian work anyway, because the Swedish Äkta Människor was also tackled quite successfully and now Bankerot has to believe it too. Bankerot is called in AMC's Feed The Beast guide and is reunited with an old acquaintance. Should he be in American Crime Story in the shadow of John Travolta and Cuba Gooding Jr. As Robert Kardashian is already trying to shake off his Ross legacy, Feed The Beast puts David Schwimmer in the spotlight and there's no hiding behind it. Schwimmer plays widower Tommy, who tries to quell the pain of losing his wife by slurping away expensive bottles of Château Petrus. In itself perfectly fine, were it not for the fact that he also has a ten-year-old son to take care of. Drink 'n drive is not a good idea, but drink' n learn your son the capital of Cambodia is also not really a happy combination. To make sure that the child protection does not run off with his child, Tommy has to get a broom through his depressed and numb life. When his best friend Dion, who has just spent five years collecting soaps in prison, suggests starting a restaurant together, it seems like the light at the end of the tunnel, but Tommy doesn't realize he's here. only gets more bullshit on it. The question that burns on your lips now of course is: Is Feed The Beast a successful remix or can we just put it aside and continue quietly with AMC's newbie Preacher and the new seasons of Hell On Wheels and The Making Of The Mob? I would say the latter. There is just too much to get annoyed about. Yes, everything looks, as we are used to from AMC, beautiful and neat again, but otherwise it is all pure mediocre. You can give David Schwimmer an encouraging pat on the back that he has managed to break free from his character from Friends, but it is not enough. Especially in the more dramatic scenes, he just falls short and turns into a gurgling, spine-less dude, who would love to shake up well. Maybe a little Ross after all. His 1 + 1 = 3 with opponent Jim Sturgess is also hard to find. Believing that these are two best friends is a tough job. Schwimmer and Sturgess actually constantly scold each other, and that is not surprising, because they are both anything but pleasant figures. In an attempt to keep the tempo in the story, the writers also make it very easy for themselves with some regularity. Tommy has not had contact with his racist father for years, because Tommy had a black woman, but if money is needed to finance the restaurant, all principles immediately go out the window. Unbelievable. During one of his support group sessions, Tommy meets a woman who casually mumbles that she knows something about the catering industry. Hop, here's your key and run the toko. No questions asked. It is all too short-sighted. Sometimes you have those series where at some point you decide to get annoyed by everything and Feed The Beast is such a series. For me anyway. I would leave it for what it is. It's just not good enough. A pity, because much more could have been done.
6 June 2016, 08:30
Nice, but considering why this series revolves around, in my opinion it is all a bit too smooth to be good. The guards who say goodbye to the chef who is being released from prison with tears in their eyes, as if they are saying goodbye to their best friend ... The first thing that same chef does after being tackled by the local mafia boss is ... In order to serve the story, no coincidences are spared. Best friend with whom he, together with his wife, wanted to open a restaurant has lost his wife, goes to drink, goes to a self-help group and of course meets a woman who lost her husband but more importantly, she is also the manager of a restaurant ... frustrated police inspector chasing the mafia boss ... Whoever has seen the pi! lot can more than likely fill in the rest of the story now because with practically every scene you have the feeling that you have seen it all before but better executed.
9 June 2016, 12:39
After a moderate pilot it just continues downhill. Schwimmer is said to be an expert wine connoisseur / sommelier but comes across so convincingly in what he does that you expect him to shake a bottle of wine well before pouring a glass. The fact that the man is unable to pronounce a single French term somewhat correctly only makes things worse. As a specialist, he can not only tell you blindfolded about the glass of wine that you put in his hands, but even better, upon simple request, the writers of this vehicle will probably show him the full name and birthday of the winegrower and his wife in a subsequent episode. where the wine comes from for a small fee. Several tests and studies have already proven that practically no one, not even the great self-proclaimed wine connoisseurs, can really guess what they are drinking when presented with an unfamiliar wine. It has also been shown several times that when one presents a "good" and a cheap wine to someone in exactly the same expensive bottle, "connoisseurs" almost always become equally lyrical about both wines. Conversely, they "recognize" a really expensive wine that is offered in a cheap bottle usually immediately as inferior, but this aside. Convincing an investor, even if he is gullible and direct family, by stating that whoever invests in your restaurant can retire later on his own private island, I had not seen before, certainly not if he has already passed retirement age. Like most viewers, I also know some owners of restaurants, large or small, who all have a private island ... You wonder who actually makes up such dialogues. Children with trauma, it will just happen to you. Here the child in question is so traumatized that he no longer wants to speak, otherwise reacts and just does everything normally. A real trauma ... As stated earlier and expected, the new girlfriend, who happened to be met earlier, comes to the rescue when the men have to sign a contract with their investor. That is to say, she knows the balls herself and in turn consults her sister, who assesses and rejects a contract of about 30 pages within five seconds ... That does not deter the new girlfriend, however, after a pathetic chat with her future ex's partner, shaking up a white lie and lying to the impending new love in her life and more than likely letting his misfortune run ... It will all be fine.
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1 August 2016, 08:35
Well, quite pleased. But it subsides so dramatically that I lasted until episode 5. Not to do unfortunately.
11 October 2019, 20:05
I thought it was a good mix of drama and crime. Unfortunately not a second season.
Feed The Beast