Killing Eve is an American thriller-drama series which aired on BBC America. The series premiered on April 8, 2018.
When a top international assassin murders an influential politician, she comes up against an equally relentless MI5 intelligence analyst who is determined to bring her to justice. Based on the novellas Codename Villanelle and Villanelle: Hollowpoint by Luke Jennings.
Killing Eve is an American thriller-drama series which aired on BBC America. The series premiered on April 8, 2018.
When a top international assassin murders an influential politician, she comes up against an equally relentless MI5 intelligence analyst who is determined to bring her to justice. Based on the novellas Codename Villanelle and Villanelle: Hollowpoint by Luke Jennings.
1x won prizes at the MySeries of the Year election
Well done in any case, such as acting and camera work. Several beautiful locations (including Moscow and Berlin). The prison in Russia in particular was striking, at least seemed authentic. What stands out are the different styles. On the one hand, the serious spy work and the laconic (humorous?) Attitude of the hit man. I found it nowhere exciting, often predictable, but also intriguing. Because what are the main characters going to do again. Nice to follow, not a high flyer.
I finally made a second attempt to watch this series given the many positive reviews and I did not regret it. Apparently your taste can still change, so I had the second time lucky with Games of Thrones. Of course I take reviews on idmb and into account.