This charming English crime series, based on books by Caroline Graham, follows Chief Inspector Tom Barnaby (John Nettles) , a laconic, down-to-earth detective who faces many ingenious and remarkable murders amid the eccentric denizens of a ficticious 'Middle England' county (Midsomer).
This charming English crime series, based on books by Caroline Graham, follows Chief Inspector Tom Barnaby (John Nettles) , a laconic, down-to-earth detective who faces many ingenious and remarkable murders amid the eccentric denizens of a ficticious 'Middle England' county (Midsomer).
Season 21 part 1 aired Dec 1, the next 3 on Dec 8.15 and Dec 22. However, open already had all four (English) subtitles. Via the torrent site RARBG I have already downloaded all 4 episodes!
I really enjoy every episode, and I've seen all of them at least 5 times. The series got off to a good start with the Pilot "The Killings at Badger's Drift.