Teen Wolf is an American fantasy series on MTV. The series premiered June 5th 2011.
The series is based around a young outsider named Scott McCall, who, one night, wanders around the woods in search of a dead body and is attacked by a werewolf. He escapes the attack with only a bite to his side, but starts to notice some changes in himself.
Teen Wolf is an American fantasy series on MTV. The series premiered June 5th 2011.
The series is based around a young outsider named Scott McCall, who, one night, wanders around the woods in search of a dead body and is attacked by a werewolf. He escapes the attack with only a bite to his side, but starts to notice some changes in himself.
Dear people, I love teen wolf myself and since I discovered the series, I have watched all three seasons (season 1-3a) in 1 week. :p Part 3b will be released in January if I say it right, and my question was, will that season just be on TV, (mtv) in the Netherlands, or should you watch the series in a different way? If it's not on TV, when would we Dutch people be able to watch the episodes? I really can't wait! Greetings