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fanart Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks

8/ 10
52 min
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24 October 2015, 12:04
Probably one of the most influential series in series country. You can also see this clearly in many series. But twin peaks is still irreplaceable and I personally think the second half of season 2 is also very good!
4 February 2015, 11:17
With a view to the upcoming third season, I watched this series again and certainly not disappointed until half of the second season. The intro shows a rustic village far from society, but what you end up in is a village in which one person has even deeper grounds than the other. Second half of season 2 was clearly less so. I wonder what season 3 will look like...
28 September 2011, 00:22
GENIUS! BEST series ever! Lynch's bizarre world, transformed into a bizarre series! timeless & magical!
20 October 2013, 20:19
everything has been said by Joostpleune. Also good music by Angelo Badalamenti. Strange town, wish I lived there.
21 July 2014, 18:49
What a very special series. A series that I will not easily recommend, but has left a good impression. It is also understandable that the series has been cancelled. Still, quite a bit could have been done, because let's face it: Dale Cooper is an extraordinary character that you will love. Also an honorable mention to Albert, Audrey, Laura. On the other hand, there are a few that don't work of course, the same goes for some storylines: totally unnecessary and lack of creativity. A big 7+!
30 May 2017, 20:38
Could you start season 3 without ever seeing 1 and 2?
31 May 2017, 00:08
no definitely not. It really builds on the events of the 1st 2 seasons. You don't know the characters and you probably think 'WTF' all the time?
1 July 2017, 09:29
Haha and there is another one of those characters.
30 June 2017, 21:41
Dropped out on episode 6 of season 3. No tension and a stupid story at all
1 July 2017, 02:17
Fortunately, GTST is a very realistic in-depth story and always sooooo exciting: P By the way, you have seen the 1st 2 seasons quite quickly, but you probably skipped them, well, as I said last x, then you miss a lot of info and important plot points if you do start with Season 3.
1 July 2017, 09:27
? Conclusions conclusions. So tiring of those people who always jump to conclusions and think their thought is the right one.
1 July 2017, 10:24
If you ask me if you should have seen the 1st 2 seasons and then say that you will drop out of season 3 episode 6 ... then you are already quite far in the story and after more than 30 eps you suddenly find it stupid story (really stupid: /). Doesn't seem to me that you have to watch 3 quarters of a series to come to that conclusion, so I suspect that you started at season 3 anyway. And then I look at your top10 and then I see GTST that gets a 7 from you and Temptation Island a 10 ??? Yes, because those are real quality programs. Especially temp. island is really so exciting and not stupid at all ....: p Sorry, but give that kind of series a 10 and call twin peaks stupid ... haha, no I can't take you seriously;)
1 July 2017, 13:05
My dear, you don't have to take me seriously either. It says enough about yourself when you have to go through someone's profile to be able to say something meaningful. Which is usually the case with people who cannot respect other people's opinions and find it necessary to defend something as if their lives depended on it. And idd I watch gtst and temtation island and both get a good grade. But if you are as smart as you pretend to be, you also know that you should not compare apples with pears and if you rate a program you pay attention to what you are looking at and cannot compare gtst with twin peaks. It is nice to know that you can watch something for more than 30 episodes and then you can lose interest because I can not with you. That way you get to know someone very well. Because of course you have never watched something where you have lost interest because everything you watch is great and stays great anyway because you have a foresight and know in advance whether something will remain good or not!
1 July 2017, 13:39
Looking through your profile? I only looked at what kind of series you like and I really respect someone's opinion if it is different from mine. Just can't understand that someone calls such an artistic series like twin peaks stupid and then gives a temptation island a 10. Of course those 2 series are certainly not comparable, anyway I think temptation island is not really a series but more of a program. Of course I sometimes quit a series later, I had at the 100, started nice, but after 2 seasons I was very repetitive. Still, I keep watching it because I still keep hoping that it will get the quality of the 1st seasons again, but I certainly notice that I watch new eps with more and more reluctance, so yes, maybe I will stop with that . So yes, ok. I have that sometimes, maybe my reaction was a bit too extreme because twin peaks is one of my favorite series :). My apologies for that. And yes, I also watch series that are actually so wrong, but I still think they are cool. Anyway, my response didn't mean any harm, but a pity you don't like twin peaks. But you did watch the 1st 2 seasons?
Twin Peaks