Unforgotten is a British crime series which is aired on ITV The series premiered on October 8, 2015.
Unforgotten follows modern police team DCI Cassie Stuart and DI Sunny Khan, who gradually unravel long-forgotten secrets which have a dramatic impact on their investigation and the four potential suspects. The slow revelation of the secrets will also affect the personal lives of both Sunny and Cassie.
Unforgotten is a British crime series which is aired on ITV The series premiered on October 8, 2015.
Unforgotten follows modern police team DCI Cassie Stuart and DI Sunny Khan, who gradually unravel long-forgotten secrets which have a dramatic impact on their investigation and the four potential suspects. The slow revelation of the secrets will also affect the personal lives of both Sunny and Cassie.
1x won prizes at the MySeries of the Year election
Cool series. I enjoy this so much. Fascinating story. Well acted. Nice english. Always good. And this one stands out once more .. Great. Please continue
What a pity that not only reviews are posted but also just how the season ends. Not so nice for viewers who want to find out for themselves. I thought it was a great drama series. Seen all episodes in two days. Everyone suspicious but who really did it?
The series really gets better every season. Season 3 is really fantastic in which the relationships and emotions of the main characters play an important role.