Westworld is an American sciene fiction series which is aired on HBO. The series premiered on 2 October 2016.
In an unspecified time in the future, Westworld, one of six theme parks owned and operated by Delos Inc. allows guests to experience the American Old West in an environment populated by "hosts", androids programmed to fulfill the guests' every desire. The hosts follow a predefined set of intertwining narratives but have the ability to deviate from these narratives based on interactions they have with guests.
Westworld is an American sciene fiction series which is aired on HBO. The series premiered on 2 October 2016.
In an unspecified time in the future, Westworld, one of six theme parks owned and operated by Delos Inc. allows guests to experience the American Old West in an environment populated by "hosts", androids programmed to fulfill the guests' every desire. The hosts follow a predefined set of intertwining narratives but have the ability to deviate from these narratives based on interactions they have with guests.
4x won prizes at the MySeries of the Year election
As far as I am concerned, one of the best series of recent years. Western, thriller and drama elements that complement each other flawlessly, plus a storyline to drive you crazy as well.