Mr. Robot is an American drama series which is aired on USA Network. The series premiered on June 24th 2015.
A contemporary and culturally resonant drama about a young programmer, Elliot, who suffers from a debilitating anti-social disorder and decides that he can only connect to people by hacking them. He wields his skills as a weapon to protect the people that he cares about. Elliot will find himself in the intersection between a cybersecurity firm he works for and the underworld organizations that are recruiting him to bring down corporate America. Christian Slater stars in the title role of Mr. Robot, a mysterious anarchist who recruits Elliot into an underground hacker group.
Mr. Robot is an American drama series which is aired on USA Network. The series premiered on June 24th 2015.
A contemporary and culturally resonant drama about a young programmer, Elliot, who suffers from a debilitating anti-social disorder and decides that he can only connect to people by hacking them. He wields his skills as a weapon to protect the people that he cares about. Elliot will find himself in the intersection between a cybersecurity firm he works for and the underworld organizations that are recruiting him to bring down corporate America. Christian Slater stars in the title role of Mr. Robot, a mysterious anarchist who recruits Elliot into an underground hacker group.
1x won prizes at the MySeries of the Year election
Every year we are hit with a shitload of new series and every year there is always one that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Last year that honor could go to Fargo, the year before Frank Underwood stole the show and in 2012 everyone fell over each other screaming with the claim that THEY were really the first to 'discover' Homeland. #sad. To my regret, I have had to conclude that the absolute must viewer from 2015 to date is still a bit delayed. We can all agree on that. However? Yes, we can. Of course, Netflix has surprised us with Daredevil with finally a decent superhero series. Of course Better Call Saul was quite okay and those crazy Italians came over the bridge earlier this year with the wonderfully oppressive 1992, but the big “hallelujah-breeding-my-social-life-I-stay-beautiful-inside-because- this-must-be-copied-first ”series was unfortunately not really there yet. Until now. Mr Robot will start next Wednesday and I dare to stick my neck out, that we are dealing with the Breaking Bad of 2015 with this nail biter addiction-wise. There, I said it. And now, of course, I can only go off like a watering can. A month ago there was suddenly the pilot. The kick-off of a story about the young contact-disturbed computer geek Elliot, who earns his living at a cybersecurity company during the day and uses his skills outside office hours to make the world a little better. Actually a kind of superhero, but without the ridiculous latex suit and cape. His 'extracurricular' online antics do not go unnoticed and one day Elliot is approached on the subway home by Christian “Moddafokking” Slater (didn't you think he must have gone down sniffing by now?) Himself! The Slate is Mr. Robot and Mr. Robot is keen to take down the diseased business community with its hacker group that has held our society in its pocket-filling grip for so long. Go Mr. Robot! If you take a look at every now and then, you know that I generally only write something about series when the first season is over. It won't be the first time that a promising start turns out to be a sticky wet fart. But Mr. Robot… Mein lieber Gott people children, Mr. Robot… I don't think I took a breath during the 60-minute pilot. I can't remember the last time I saw such an absurdly fat gruesome fantastic great first episode of a series. There are no scriptures in the bookcase at Gumstarr House, but as an atheist you would almost fall to your knees and beg any God with tears in your eyes for a lot more of this. Right from the uncomfortably monotonous voice-over of Elliot at the beginning it was already a hit for me: What I'm about to tell you is top secret. A conspiracy bigger than all of us. There's a powerfull group of people out there that are secretely running the world. I'm talking 'bout the guys noone knows about, the guys that are invisible. The top 1% of the top 1%. The guys that play God without permission. And now I think they're following me. I so desperately hope that these seven sentences are the precursor to all that Mr. Robot is still going to serve us. It is raw, uncomfortable, oppressive and laced with mystery, but at the same time remarkably easy to watch. The plot touches on something for which more and more resistance is emerging in society: the grab culture at the banks, pushing filled envelopes over the table at FIFA and assigning each other jobs in politics and beyond. A topical subject that is portrayed in a tasty grim way. Let's all pray at the edge of the bed tonight, because if Mr Robot continues the line of the pilot, we can feast on a series that will make it into the top 10 of the Gumstarr Top 100 in the coming months. .
For everyone who didn't know, the finale episode has been moved to next week. More information: Please note, page may contain spoiler (s).