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Homeland leaves its homefront behind

'Homeland' is saying goodbye to the Brody's, as first confirmed by The Hollywood Reporter. Morena Baccarin, who plays Jessica, and Morgan Saylor, who portrays Dana, will no longer be a part of the regulars in season four.

The news comes as expected following harsh criticism for the show's third season. The show, which premiered in 2011, is often lauded as one of the best shows on TV and has earned numerous awards. Now it's repeatedly critized for sudden twists and unfocused storytelling. A part of that is aimed at Saylor, who as teenage girl Dana is cause for much hatred among fans. Saylor claimed earlier this year she wasn't focusing on the critique as much of it is aimed at the writing and not her acting.

'Homeland' intially started out as a show about a CIA agent Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes) who doubts the motives of warhero Nicholas Brody (Damien Lewis). An important part of that story was Brody's return home after several years of captivity. That part slowly disappeared to the background as the show focused more on the relationship between Brody and Carrie. Showrunner Alex Gansa defends the two leading ladies' storylines, which include an often critized hit-and-run involving Dana in season 2. 'The relationship between Dana and her father is very strong. It's stronger than his relationship with Jessica and certainly stronger than his relationship with his son Chris', Gansa told THR.

Now it seems like the story of Brody's family is ending. In season 3 they have to deal with the public knowledge of Brody's alleged terrorist crimes, something that hits Dana hard. The finale will air December 15th.
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